
Exalting the Lordship of Jesus Christ!

What Is Discipleship?

Discipleship is a command from God. It is the act of teaching others to obey and follow Jesus as the only way to the Father. Jesus says in John 14:6, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” To make disciples then, is to teach and encourage people to follow Jesus as the only way, to exalt Him as the truth, and to come to Him for eternal life as He leads us to the Father.

There is no better example of discipleship than Jesus himself, who taught and loved His disciples for three years before painfully dying on a cross to save them and His future followers from their sin and the wrath of God. After Jesus was crucified and buried, He was raised from the dead and spoke these words to His disciples:

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18–20)

With the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, we hope to fulfill this command of Jesus to make disciples of all nations through THE WAY School of Discipleship and our Summer Discipleship and Service Program. Through following Jesus’ life, teaching others to obey God, and to follow Jesus as THE WAY, we seek to build up the Kingdom of God for His glory and the joy of His people!

Testimonies to God’s Grace

The Way School of Discipleship was a blessing for me in far more ways than one! To be able to have a year devoted solely to studying the Bible as well as serving the Lord in ministry is an invaluable experience that helped to shape my understanding of the Word of God and it gave me a love for Christ that has led me to seek to live the rest of my life in a way that glorifies Christ and makes Him known!
Michael Smith

THE WAY School of Discipleship Alumni

Working at LeTourneau this summer was a blessing in so many ways. Whether I was lifeguarding, hanging out with kids, or enjoying the in-between time with the staff, the Lord’s work in people’s lives (including mine) and the wider world was so clear… God is on the move here, and the people that have the good fortune to pass through the staff ranks are being prepared to become disciple-makers themselves.

Julia Hotchkiss

THE WAY Summer Staffer

January 31 – February 2, 2025


Upcoming Events

REVIVE Youth Retreat

REVIVE is our youth ministry for middle and high schoolers (grades 6-12).  We focus on sharing the love of Jesus Christ through evangelism and discipleship.  Individuals and groups arrive on Friday, January 31st at 5:30pm and will stay till Sunday, February 2nd at 10am.  This weekend will include a time of fellowship, worship, food, activities, and focused time in God’s Word.  The retreat will be 2 nights, Friday and Saturday, and will consist of 5 meals, Friday dinner through Sunday Breakfast.

Early Bird Price: $125 now through Dec 31st
Regular Price: $150 January 1-27
Day Only Price: $99
Parent Chaperone/Adult Leader Price: $125

Registration closes at 5pm on Monday, January 27th

Get Involved

For those interested in serving with us at LeTourneau, please look at either of our discipleship programs and consider applying!

We offer both of our programs for free and donations are our primary source of funding for our students, so if God leads you to give financially then we would gladly accept your offering in the Lord.

If you are a pastor or a leader in a church and would like to see how you or your youth can be involved, reach out to our Discipleship Coordinator to see how our ministries can connect!

Derek Ballard

Discipleship Coordinator

Derek is passionate about transformational discipleship. To Derek, this means that becoming a disciple of Christ entails that we follow Him, and are gradually transformed in a greater likeness to Christ. Through this process of transformation, by the power of the Holy Spirit, in which we follow Jesus as our Lord and Savior, is THE WAY to experience life as God intended it. Derek seeks to train up disciples into godly young men and women who are equipped and ready to serve the Lord in whatever service God may call them to, bearing the image of Christ wherever they go, and making more disciples along the way. It is through this process of transformational discipleship that we build up the kingdom of God for His glory and for the joy of His people!  Currently, Derek is pursuing his Master of Divinity from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and he is excited to see where God will lead in the coming years, and to see God work in and through the lives of His disciples!

For more information about Discipleship at LeTourneau, you can reach Derek by email or phone:

Phone: 585-905-9464

Email: dbalard@letcc.org